Leads Beyond the Library
Participates in setting the school district’s vision and strategic plan for digital learning and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation to empower teachers and learners.
Current Practices
Collaborate with classroom teachers to promote and use resources that enhance lesson objectives and student learning.
Work closely with the district’s technology department and administration to support our district’s strategic snapshot through planning, instructing, and reflecting on professional development like new teacher PD, Dodgeland Summit PD, and XPDs.
Provide group and independent staff instruction of resources or technology integration skills.
Attends professional development inside and outside the district to provide collaboration and professional growth of knowledge and support when needed.
5 Year Goal
Participate in grade level and department meetings to help inform instruction and provide support.
Expand library media network with surrounding district library media specialists for collaboration and up-to-date information, resources, and strategies.
Last updated May 2024